-To provide insight to the process which engages nature and design, this collection of work shines light on the educational methods currently being explored in China's top institutions Bio-inspired design is both simple and complex. Simple because it provides an easy reference to discuss ideas through a means we all can relate to and become inspired by - the natural world. The topic engages a spectrum of professionals, from environmental enthusiasts to design professionals and scientists. The complexity arises when we need to understand beyond what we see and understand how nature works. At many levels, we are still exploring how systems are inter-related and to decipher these relationships we have to look beyond the idealized inspiration. Throughout the world, research and development that focuses on bio-inspiration has been steadily increasing and is expected to continue to do so for the next two decades. Currently, China is one of the leaders in scholarly articles focusing on bio-inspiration. Although this topic is developing at an impressive rate, much of the public awareness of bio-inspiration and similar areas of research such as biomimetics and biomimicry is relatively unknown. Therefore, to provide insight into this process, this collection of work shines light on the methods currently being explored in China's top institutions.
Selected from hundreds of artworks and designs from the BDC competition, this book is a compilation of projects and ideas that are influencing the emerging field of biodesign.
Bio Design examines the thrilling advances in the field, showcasing some seventy projects (concepts, prototypes and completed designs) that cover a range of fields - from architecture and industrial design to fashion and medicine.
Readers can access this material quickly, easily, and at the most relevant point in the text from within the ebook.
... history , humans lived in tiny egalitarian bands of hunter - gatherers . Then came farming , which brought with it private property , and then the rise of cities which meant the emergence of civilization properly speaking . Most see ...
At that time, these were in the low $10s of millions. ... be a good partner going forward, even though it takes longer to get the deal done," offered Chess.
10 In certain acquisitions, where there is still substantial development or adoption risk, an acquirer may not wish to pay the complete value of the deal until certain milestones have been reached. Such an arrangement is generally ...
Computer-Aided Biodesign Across Scales
... a growing movement of scientists, artists, and designers our beauty products, and even our food. The rise of biodesign puts designers in a thoughtleadership position. The hope is a world where sustainability can be manifested by ...
Recognize market opportunities, master the design process, and develop business acumen with this 'how-to' guide to medical technology innovation. A three-step, proven approach to the biodesign innovation process - identify,...
How to Capture Value from Disruptive Industry Trends Trond Arne Undheim. Publisher's note Every possible effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this book is accurate at the time of going to press, ...