... 88 Bergson , Henri Louis 22 , 49 bewilderment 12 , 40 biography 3 , 98 Blake , William 80 Blanchot , Maurice 86–7 ... 67 , 91 , 112 Cain , Jimmy E. 96 calm 5 , 6 , 88 , 89 , 106–9 , 112 Cavell , Stanley 99 Coleridge , Samuel Taylor ...
Miss Vandergraff serves Sue a specially drugged glass of bitter wine which lowers her temperature until she becomes disgustingly cold. Harry — and any other man who comes anywhere near her — suddenly loses all his ardor.
Wordsworth and The Recluse
At the same time , Coleridge's subjective emphasis is a variation of the transcendental method , and Coleridge seeks through ... 12 See David P. Haney , The Challenge of Coleridge : Ethics and Interpretation in Romanticism and Modern ...
Robert Pippin presents a detailed interpretation of J.M. Coetzee's 'Jesus' trilogy as a whole. Pippin treats the three fictions as a philosophical fable.
It was obviously in vain. Accordingly, in this book he would like to reflect on the possibility of a synthesis between these two aspects.
For these reasons we wish this book to become, in both method and content, an essential point of reference for anyone interested in better understanding the significant elements that sometimes link, sometimes divide, the "philologist" ...
Banquo : ” Maar slapen wil ik niet . Barmhartige Machten , " bedwing in mij de zondige gepeinzen die in de slaap onze natuur besluipen ” ( M II 1 ) . ( . ... Macbeth vermoordt de slaap - de onschuldige slaap ” ( II 2 ) .
Key Features - Deploys new critical approaches (a return to Bergson and Bergsonism, in particular) - Addresses underexplored works in the Beckett canon - Presents new critiques of representation and of Beckett's relationship to philosophy - ...
Language, Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound's Cantos