Ben shu cong shu ju ku de ji chu, Kai fa, You hua, Guan li wei hu he jia gou wu ge fang mian dui MySQL jin xing le xiang xi de jie shao.
本书首先系统介绍PHP程序设计和MySQL数据库管理的基础知识,然后结合几个使用PHP+MySQL开发Web应用程序的实例,包括网络留言板,网络投票系统,网络流量统计系统,二手交易市场系统等 ...
This book changes that."-- Mark Callaghan, MySQL contributor and leader of MySQL engineering efforts at a few of the world's largest Internet companies.
PHP 7與MySQL網頁資料庫程式設計
The book introduces PHP5 and MySQL 4.1 features, while providing techniques that can be used on older versions of the software that are still in widespread use. This new edition has been redesigned around the rich offerings of PEAR.
PHP & MySQL: Novice to Ninja, 6th Edition is a hands-on guide to learning all the tools, principles, and techniques needed to build a fully functional application using PHP & MySQL.
本书内容包括:PHP 5基础、网站开发语法基础、函数、类与对象、字符串、数组、PHP高级应用技术、PHP模板、MySQL快速入门、MySQL数据库管理、MySQL 5进阶等。
Ben shu yi MySQL shu ju ku de ji chu ji wei hu wei qie ru dian, Zhong dian jie shao le MySQL shu ju ku ying yong xi tong de xing neng diao you, Yi ji gao ke yong ke kuo zhan de jia gou she ji.