The Qatar Supreme Council for Family Affairs (QSCFA) is charged with reviewing and proposing legislation, promoting policies, adopting plans, implementing projects and programs, enhancing the role of national institutions, and disseminating ...
著名廣西奇醫張家駿曾治癒無數患上皮膚病、眼疾、性無能等不治之症的病人 本書由張家駿醫師的學生親筆撰寫,詳述親眼目擊治療過程及醫療手法, ...
本書以科研實證、臨床測試為基礎,揭示長生不病的養生之道! 作者以明朝太醫劉純養生之道為本,教你改善生活習慣,增強生命力, 瞬間踢走都市病,有病治病,無病養生! ...
反复数月乃至10余月,演持续高热型或弛张热型。双峰热型:约有1//3病人呈此型,如每小时测体温一次,则病人在24h内有两次发热高峰,多在上午、下午或昼夜交替之时。这种情况也可持续十余日至数月,偶尔也可发现一日内有3次发热高峰的患者,这种患者发冷、发热、 ...
Thoroughly updated for 2004, this manual is the definitive guide to the care of HIV-infected patients, written by Dr. John Bartlett, a world-renowned expert.
Clement J , Heyman P , McKenna P , et al . The hantaviruses of Europe : from the bedside to the bench . Emerg Infect Dis 1997 ; 3 : 205-11 . Mustonen J , Vapalahti O , Henttonen H , et al . Epidemiology of hantavirus infections in ...
This book provides the most up-to-date information available to help you better understand and identify cofactors and potential cofactors for additional study of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This volume is...
For more than 150 years, until well into the twentieth century, tuberculosis was the dreaded scourge that AIDS is for us today. Based on the diaries and letters of hundreds...
Based on key content from Red Book(R), Red Book(R) Atlas of Pediatric Infectious Diseases is a useful quick reference and innovative pictorial resource that provides essential information and recommendations for...
"Infection control" is a practical guide to the essential principles of infection prevention and control for students and newly qualified staff. It addresses key aspects of infection control in everyday...