From the board room to the press box, from fundraisers to sit-ins, this is the story of a singular academic leader and more than seven years in the history of the complex university he headed.
Victorino GONZALES GARCIA , Head of the Office of Plans and Programmes of Vocational Training , Ministry of Education and Science . ... Andrés VIZCAYA CARPENTER , Department Chief , Vocational Training Activities ( AISS ) .
Discusses how white South African students learn and confront their Apartheid past, and explores how this knowledge transforms both the students and the author, the first black dean of an historically white university.
New York : M . Evans , 1967 . Hartt , Frederick . Giulio Romano . 2 vols . New Haven : Yale University Press , 1958 . Hauser , Arnold . Mannerism . The Crisis of the Renaissance and the Origin of Modern Art . London : Routledge & Paul ...
而這之後,當我們的教堂被閃電擊中時,它又被當作是個意外事故。愚昧迷信的人們,往往把特殊事情,歸結於特別的原因。1885 年,當蝗蟲肆虐於堪薩斯時,我聽到一個南方來的好人說,這是對堪薩斯支持鼓動老約翰.布朗 30 的報應。次年,南方棉花地裏的象鼻蟲 31 肆虐 ...
A Cultural Moment in Composition Brent Henze, Jack Selzer ... Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline, edited by Barbara L'Eplattenier and Lisa Mastrangelo (2004).
Many pages of this volume illustrate Dr. Dewey's ideas for a philosophy of experience and its relation to education.
本书介绍了十位国外最伟大的教育家的经典教育理念和经典教育案例,苏格拉底追求确定定义的教育;亚里士多德自由教育等.全书以历史的,理性的视角关注每位教育家独特的贡献 ...
History of Western Society Since 1300 for Advanced Placement 10e + Sources for History of Western Society Since 1300 2e...
History of Western Society Since 1300, Advanced Placement + E-Book and E-Reader for A History of Western Society CMB (Access...