产假结束后,她们有权回到产前的工作岗位。如果她们愿意,还可以提前回去上班。(当然,很多女性在产假还没有结束之前就回去上班,因为她们负担不起请满一年的假。而且,法定的带薪产假于39周就结束了)。请记住这一点,在普通法定产假结束之后,或如果可行的话, ...
... 126 National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations , 115 , 116 National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) , 73 , 107 National Research Council , 131 Nature's Way Vitamins , 65 Neithammer , C. , 12 , 14 Nelson , R. , 13 Nevada , nuclear ...
本書以女性「更年期」作為切入點,作者結合自己多年的生活經驗和臨床經驗,把女性在步入「更年期」以後會遇到的眾多問題都加以詳細的講解,從心理方面和生理方面給出了具體 ...
我和班上的一個女同學上廁所,這時,我看到牆上好像有個東西一動,我一陣緊張,想到了魔鬼,心裡著實害怕,但忍不住又看了一眼,黑咕隆咚之中那分明是一張男同學的臉,嚇得我大叫一聲。然後,我的心整日都在咚咚跳,久久不能安靜下來。不知為什麼,現在我見到男同學 ...
New Dimensions in Women's Health is a comprehensive overview of all major dimensions of women's health across the lifespan, providing various perspectives such as historical, epidemiological, sociocultural, and clinical issues...
"This dynamic text comprehensively examines dimensions of Women's health. The 1990s have identified women's health as a critical new frontier in health education. This book takes neither a traditional nor...
For women facing decisions about treatment for the symptoms of menopause, the second edition of this landmark work features a new chapter that addresses the latest findings about hormone replacement...
With clarity and compassion, Dr. Love emphasizes that menopause is not a disease that needs to be cured; it's a natural life stage. She tells you what you need to...
Resource Guide to Accompany Breastfeeding and Human Lactation