A.损害 B.损失 C.损耗 D.迫害 9 . A.富有 B.富裕 C.丰富 D.丰盛 10.A.在乎 B.在意 C.有意 D.注意 11. A.改变 B.作为 C.变为 D.以为 12. A.拥有 B.有 C.占有 C.占有 D.具有综合填空(六) 1 运动生理学的角度来看,每周锻炼的次数与锻炼的效果有着 2 的关系。
Kobe Bryant tŁ F 35 . Kobe Bryant bị wỏ gāo duõle . Kobe Bryant is much taller than I am .今天比昨天热多了。. Jintiān bị zuýtiān rè duöle . Today is much hotter than yesterday . til a ) Example Sentences 虽然小王看起来瘦瘦的, ...
Lang Wên Chʻu Chiai Ying Han Shuang Chiai Tzʻŭ Tien
A simple dictionary that enables readers to learn words in both English and Chinese by presenting each item with a picture, the English word, and the Chinese word in Chinese script.
107 tiao bi kao cheng yu shou ce: zhong xue pu tong ke cheng (xue shu) hua wen shi yong
Ni zuòtián zäijiā chi fan le ma? Did you eat at home yesterday? B If an accomplished fact or completed action is described, le is used. Le goes directly after the verb when: (i) a number, or words indicating an amount, describe the ...