作者简介 C.S.刘易斯,英国20世纪著名的文学家,学者,杰出的批评家,也是公认的二十世纪最重要的基督教作者之一。他毕生研究文学、哲学、神学,尤其对中古及文艺复兴时期的 ...
Presents a selection of works by the nineteenth-century poet, including "Maud," "In Memoriam," and "Locksley Hall."
... today much prized by collectors . contemporaries such as Charles Dickens , Anthony Trollope and , later , Thomas Hardy . ... The illustrations by John Tenniel , some based on Carroll's drawings , are held in as much popular ...
"The Brothers Karamazovy is a murder mystery, a courtroom drama, and an exploration of erotic rivalry involving Karamazov and his three sons - the impulsive and sensual Dmitri, the coldly rational Ivan, and the healthy young novice Alyosha.
Let us examine ( b ) . This is mighty vague but if anything is tolerably certain in this world , where black seems to be constantly mistaken for white , it is that Shaw , Wells and Galsworthy spent no small energy as Left Wingers ...
本书是包慧怡和彭李菁合作翻译的当代爱尔兰四位诗人的作品集。四位诗人中,迈克尔·朗礼、哈利·克里夫顿和葆拉·弥罕分别为最近三届爱尔兰桂冠诗人,保 ...
本书依据小学语文新课标推荐必读文学名著选编,配以精美插图,并加注拼音,便于小学生阅读,旨在让小学生在阅读中体验和感悟友情、亲情、梦想、勇气等成长主题,给孩子予以 ...
狄更斯的《双城记(导读版)》讲述了1775年12月的一个月夜,医生曼内特散步时,突然被埃佛瑞蒙德侯爵兄弟强迫出诊。在侯爵府邸中,他目睹一个农妇和一个少年饮恨而死的惨状,并 ...
但是,馬克思之所以要指責聖·西門和傅·立業的社會主義乃是「空想」的社會主義,其根本的分野點,便是在如何實現社會主義天堂的方法上。聖·西門主張通過和平手段進入社會主義,傅立葉則希望勞動者. 文化和一個夢幻,即使永存人間,也並無所妨礙。
《一九八四》是奥威尔的传世之作,堪称世界文坛上最著名的反乌托邦、反极权的政治讽喻小说。他在小说中他创造的“老大哥”、“双重思想”、“新话”等词汇都已收入权威的英 ...