《王朝闻全集》共36卷,收录了王朝闻先生全部的美学理论著作、论文、小品、文艺评论等及部分代 表性的雕塑绘画题赠作品,共计 1000 多万字,816 多幅图。其夫人简平女士撰写的《王朝闻传》也作为附编收入其中。
Specimen preparation in materials science . in : Practical Methods in Electron Microscopy , V.l , B.E.P. Beeston , R.W. Horne and Roy Markham , North Holland , 444 pp . Greene , R.S.B. , Murphy , P.J. , Posner , A.M. , and Quirk ...
白崖是一种名为唐斯(白垩丘陵,或有草开阔高地)的地质构造的一部分。在英格兰东南部共有两处,分别是北唐斯和南唐斯。 ... 这其中最有名的都位于英格兰南部,包括东萨塞克斯郡身高227英尺(约69米)的威尔明顿巨人像,多塞特郡180英尺(约55米)高的塞那阿巴斯 ...
An easy-to-use book that shows how anyone can learn to identify most of the gems and synthetics found in the marketplace. This practical book is essential reading for collectors, dealers,...
Handbook of Gem Identification
Describes hundreds of minerals and lists their geographic distribution, physical properties, chemical composition, and crystalline structure.
A contemporary successor to the Louis V. Pirsson and Adolph Knopf editions, providing a guide and reference that explains how rocks occur, their commercial usage, and how to identify them...
Contents of this text include: integrated optics; silicon nitride films on silicon for optical waveguides; new technology for reduction in cost and size of silica guided-wave component; and silicon based...
Principles of Sedimentology
Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy is a thoroughly modern, textbook that provides in-depth coverage of all major aspects of sedimentology and stratigraphy. Aimed at advanced undergraduates but suitable also for...
Southern British Columbia, from the northern tip of Vancouver Island to the Alberta border east of Golden, spans the Canadian Cordillera, a mountainous region with a tumultuous geologic history that...