Accounts of the deeds of the English king and his knights whose adventures are real enough in mythology if not in fact.
Relates how Arthur became king, won a queen, and came to establish the Round Table.
From the magical moment when Arthur releases the sword in the stone to the quest for the Holy Grail and the final tragedy of the Last Battle, Roger Lancelyn Green brings the enchanting world of King Arthur stunningly to life.
And King Arthur saw that those two knights . . . were eating of a great loaf of rye bread, fresh baked and of brittle crust; and they ate fair white cheese, which things the miller, all white with dust, served them.
Full of adventure, magic, and romance, these are the timeless tales of Arthur, the great warrior king of Britain; his loyal knight Lancelot; the beautiful Queen Guinevere; and the mysterious Merlin.
The Romance of King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table
Interspersed throughout the story are a variety of colorful characters and circumstances which illustrate the important moments in the history of his kingdom. At the beginning of the epic, Uther Pendragon is King of all England.
LEGEND Learn how Arthur became King, where he found his great sword Excalibur, about his love for Guinevere, and all about the courageous Knights of the Round Table.
'I value more the peace of the forest of Calydon.' Rodarch hesitated, but at this moment Merlin's wife Guendolena entered and begged him to set her husband free. As the fetters were removed, Merlin smiled and said: 'I laughed when you ...
This book is developed from KING ARTHUR AND HIS KNIGHTS IN MYTHOLOGY to allow republication of the original text into ebook, paperback, and trade editions.