Madison & Adams press presents to you this meticulously edited Thomas Paine collection, formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Common Sense The American Crisis The Rights of Man The Age of Reason The Republican Proclamation To the Authors of "Le Républicain" To the Abbé Sièyes To the Attorney General To Mr. Secretary Dundas Letters to Onslow Cranley To the Sheriff of the County of Sussex To Mr. Secretary Dundas Letter Addressed to the Addressers on the Late Proclamation Address to the People of France Anti-Monarchal Essay for the Use of New Republicans To the Attorney General, on the Prosecution against the Second Part On the Propriety of Bringing Louis XIV to Trial Reasons for Preserving the Life of Louis Capet Shall Louis XVI have Respite? Declaration of Rights Private Letters to Jefferson Letter to Danton A Citizen of America to the Citizens of Europe Appeal to the Convention The Memorial to Monroe Letter to George Washington Observations Dissertation on First Principles of Government The Constitution of 1795 The Decline and Fall of the English System of Finance Forgetfulness Agrarian Justice The Eighteenth Fructidor The Recall of Monroe Private Letter to President Jefferson Proposal that Louisiana be Purchased Thomas Paine to the Citizens of the United States To the French Inhabitants of Louisiana A Letter Addressed to the Abbe Raynal The Life of Thomas Paine by Moncure D. Conway
Collects several works covering a variety of political subjects, including independence from Britain for the American colonies, service in the Continental army, and the French Revolution.
This accessible collection of highlights from the social and political philosopher's best-known works includes lengthy selections from Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Rights of Man, and The Age of Reason.
Napoleon, for one, claimed to have slept with a copy under his pillow, recommending that “a statue of gold should be erected to [Paine] in every city in the universe.” Here in one volume, these two complete works are joined with ...
For the sake of peace Paine wished the revolution to be peaceful as the advance of summer; he used every endeavor to reconcile English radicals to some modus vivendi with the existing order, as he was willing to retain Louis XVI as head ...
This volume contains Paine’s explosive Common Sense in its entirety, including the oft-ignored Appendix, as well as selections from his other major writings: The American Crisis, Rights of Man, and The Age of Reason.
Included in this collection are Paine's most essential works: Common Sense The American Crisis Rights of Man The Age of Reason Paine authored the two hugely influential pamphlets Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776-1783) at ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
Collected in this volume are Paine's most influential texts.
Thomas Paine was an important leader in the fight for independence from England. His pamphlet Common Sense stirred the populace to join the fight.
Offering great literature in great packages at great prices, this series is ideal for those readers who want to explore and savor the Great Ideas that have shaped the world.