Towards the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prague still possessed its venerable majesty, but it was fast becoming a modern European metropolis. The old Jewish Quarter had been replaced with broad boulevards; modern bridges spanned the river; and the first steam trains from Vienna were arriving at the station. Though the Emperor and his guard had recently promenaded here, it wouldn't be long before independence would be declared and a new country, Czechoslovakia, would be founded. The remarkable photographs in this book capture key moments and everyday life in Prague during this era. Pavel Scheufler has selected more than 140 photographs from his family's archive and written a learned commentary on each one. This book is not only a valuable account of a city in transition, but a guide to reading photographs in a way that lets us hear fascinating stories they tell.
Praha za císaře pána: staré fotografie vyprávějí
Prague Castle in the 19th century
A dramatic account of life in Czechoslovakia's great capital during the Nazi Protectorate With this successor book to Prague in Black and Gold, his account of more than a thousand years of Central European history, the great scholar Peter ...
Reflections of Prague is the story of how a Czech Jewish family become embroiled in the most tragic and tumultuous episodes of the twentieth century.
Each entry contains a descriptive text, period photographs, and selected entries are provided with plans. An indispensable companion for discovering the vast architectural heritage of the Czech capital.
BONUS: This edition contains excerpts from Arthur Phillips's The Tragedy of Arthur, The Song Is You, The Egyptologist, and Angelica.
Noah Isenberg, Between Redemption and Doom: The Strains of German-Jewish Modernism (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999), 22, cited in Alfred Thomas, Prague Palimpsest: Writing, Memory, and the City (Chicago: University of ...
Based on largely autobiographical writings and letters by women and enhanced by extensive historical introduction, this book redresses a serious imbalance.
National Gallery in Prague: 19th and 20th Century French Art
Focuses on the architecture of Prague from the turn of the century to the end of World War II. The book documents the architects, structures and theoretical underpinnings that helped to shape Prague's cultural heritage and present-day ...