British Resident At The Court Of Nepal. (1820-1839).
Darwin for Beginners
SEVENTEEN Early years at Down 1842-1846 I Although Darwin was dedicating his life to science and not to religion , the move to Down House was in line with his earlier visions of settling down to be a country parson .
The editors gratefully acknowledge the valuable assistance of Tim Benton , Sheila Dean , Arne Hessenbruch , Shelley Innes , Robert Lindsey , and Sarah Wilmot , and extend thanks to Jean Macqueen for providing the index to the ...
Though Lewis was a national hero as well as Governor of the Louisiana Territory , Wilson was the only contemporary ever to investigate the circumstances of his death . To Wilson it seemed to be a combined act of patriotism , friendship ...
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Charles Darwin
Gilliard , E. Thomas . Living Birds of the World . Garden City , N.Y .: Doubleday & Co. , 1958 . Grossman , Mary Louise , and John Hamlet . ... Robbins , Chandler S. , et al . Birds of North America : A Guide to Field Identification .
Dan Wheeler's son reported finding a young cuckoo in a hedge-sparrow's nest, and underneath it, one of the hedge-sparrow's eggs that had been thrown out. Richard Butler, a thatcher, took Gilbert to see a flycatcher's nest built behind ...
The Journals of Gilbert White, 1784-1793