These two Brahmanas are actually Suresvara's exposition of Sankara's Bhasya on the first chapter of the Brhadaranyakopanisad.
The Earlier and Later Upaniṣads: A Comparative Study
Dayānanda's thought and spiritual understanding are not easy to penetrate , and I found Parmanand ( transl . ) , Svāmī Dayānanda Sarasvati's Rg - Vedādi Bhāşya Bhūmikā . New Delhi : Meharchand Lachhmandas , 1984 , very helpful . 107.
Remove this eternal motion, eternal mutability, eternal multiplicity from the idea of Prakriti and we arrive at something we cannot recognize, ... Eternal mutability, likewise, can lead to nothing but eternal unrest and disorder.
... Nais 3.1 ( p . 253 ) , K. S. MURTY , Revelation and Reason in Advaita Vedānta , Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass , 1974 ... 3.1 and 4.7 thus : caturvidhānvaya- vyatirekȧbhyām ; dṛśyatvādi - caturvidhänvayavyatireka - lakṣaṇo nyāyaḥ . . . 5 ...