Buddhism and Science is a compilation of a few learned articles on the subject. The book co-ordinates modern scientific thought with the Buddha Dharma and how the revolutionary theories of Charles Darwin and others blend with the Dharma (Buddha`s Teachings). It recognizes that the world, or even the mughty universe was not created by a god rather it is a steady state of the universe with no beginning and end. The work has shown how the Buddhist philosophy of Anicca (impermanence), Dukkha (suffering), and Anatta (ego-lessness) blends with modern science, with remarkable clarity. It also states that atomic science and Buddhism seem to be entirely different, yet they are tackling the same problem of energy and releasing of energy, breaking the highly concentrated form of energy, the so-called atom, in the one case, and ego, in the other.
Who designed the patterns on the peacock's feathers? Who sharpened the tip of a thorn? Everything arose naturally, without causes.437 This corresponds to the current absurd 'scientific' view that an essentially 'material' reality ...
R. A. Brooks , “ Intelligence Without Reason , ” in Proceedings of the 1991 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence ( San Mateo , Cal .: Morgan Kaufmann , 1991 ) , pp . 569–595 ; R. A. Brooks , “ Intelligence Without ...
Ben shu jie shao le 52 ge zi ji guan ai zi ji de xiao lian xi,Zhei xie lian xi tong guo gai bian ni de xiang fa,Ke yi ji huo ni da nao zhong ai de shen jing xi bao,Shi ni yu zi ji geng qin jin,Geng jia ai zi ji.
In Siddhartha's Brain, James Kingsland reveals that a complete scientific theory of how these practices work is now within our grasp and may be the key to treating a wide range of afflictions of the human mind.
The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality
Jesus, Moses, Mohammed, Gandhi, and the Buddha all had brains built essentially like anyone else's, yet they were able to harness their thoughts and shape their patterns of thinking in ways that changed history.
The Dalai Lama explores the interface of Buddhist concepts and major scientific ideas culled from a long period of thought on his part.