illust., map --with translation and annotatiomns of medical hymns from the Rgveda and the Athravaveda
13: INSANITY A V$6.111 is a charm against insanity. ... certain divine mores or taboos; and tinmatta which suggests an abnormal mental state caused by possession by demons, such as the rāksas-s (verse 3). ... *See Jolly, Medicin, 121.
The Present Book Is Aimed At Critically Analyzing The Vedic Medicine In All Spheres Of Life.With An Introduction To The History Of Indian Medicine, The Subject Matter Is Systematically Organized In Seven Chapters.
Desai (born in India) is a professor of clinical psychiatry at the U. of Illinois, Chicago and chief of psychiatric service at the VA West Side Medical Center (Chicago). He...
This book aims to present a coherent exploration and review of both the principles and practice of MAV, as well as the research outcomes which support and illuminate practice.
Examines the complex interaction between the mind, the body, and the environment while offering an overview of Maharishi Ayur-Veda.
Projected six-volume set of encyclopedia on the "indigenous medical wisdom in India known as Ayurveda." Entries range from short to long. Miscellaneous appendixes.
Conquering Chronic Disease Through Maharishi Vedic Medicine
The book is edited by Jaideva Singh with an exhaustive introduction, containing the historical background of the Madhyamaka philosophy, a lucid exposition of its merciless logic, an admirable presentation of its uncanny metaphysics and a ...
The Antiquity of Hindu Medicine and Civilisation
The result is a joyous return to a natural state of radiant health, happiness, and long life. “God bless this book.