The book is profusely peppered with examples of Cupid`s copious arrows that have felled monarchs and common folk, princes and paupers, seers and seekers, writers and readers. It also narrates instances where women have pined for, wined, dined and chased men! From Socrates to Shah Jahan, Shakespeare to Shaw, Napoleon to Nehru, Dale Carnegie to Charlie Chaplin, Horatio Nelson to Adolf Hitler, John D Rockfeller to Pt Ravi Shankar, the book throbs with countless stories and the magic of the world`s most powerful four-letter word, LOVE.
The Art of Love tells the stories of the most fascinating couples of the art world, exploring the passionate, challenging and loving relationships behind some of the world’s greatest works of art.
The Forgotten Art of Love examines love in its complex entirety — through the lenses of biology, philosophy, history, religion, sociology, and economics — to fill in critical voids in Fromm’s classic work and to provide a contemporary ...
Seventeen-year-old Dylan Marshall is practically invisible.
This book is a new anthology and original translation of short poems of Rumi. It brings fresh insight into the work of a master poet who mapped the path of compassion, spiritual quest and union, and painted in words the art of loving.
So are relationships. With more than six decades of experience working with couples, we knew we had vital information, lessons, and insights to share, but we insisted that the book be short, engaging, and easy to read.
The vibrant tradition of Temple decoration in India.
The brand-new emotional and heart-breaking novel from Amelia Henley ‘An ode to finding the meaning in grief, in our life’s purpose, and in deciding to live and love fully, The...
Thomas Lewis, Fari Amini, Richard Lannon. Page 168 Page 172 Page 174 Page 176 Page 176 Page 179 Page 182 ... Teaching Japanese speakers to distinguish between "r" and "T": Blakeslee, 1999. “We should always remember". Nabokov, 1980.
This is a full-scale commentary devoted to the third book of Ovid's Ars Amatoria.
Each year of your life you can begin a new painting, or continue adding dabs of color or new choices to the masterpiece you are creating.” In this practical and inspiring book, Margaux Joy DeNador, will guide you in making choices that ...