Based on the fieldwork in a central prison in Kolkata, India.
The "watchdog" Role of Boards of Visitors: A Report Commissioned and Funded by the Home Office Research and Planning Unit
Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb, English Local Government, vol. 6: English Prisons Under Local Government (London, 1963; orig. ed. 1922), p. 31. 2. W. L. Burn, The Age of Equipoise (New York, 1965), pp. 176-77. 3.
You are Going to Prison
The work Panopticon: The Inspection House was a work written by Jeremy Bentham, and first published in 1791, which famously outlines the notion of the institutional panopticon, which allows for the prison or manufactory, for instance, to ...
Written by a Texas inmate trained as a reporter, this book gives practical advice on how inmates live, eat, play, work, and die in the Texas prison system.
The Devil's Den of Prison and Justice
Every politician and decision-maker involved in our prisons should be placed on 23-hour lockdown and made to read this book' Nick Pettigrew, author of ANTI-SOCIAL "I was what the older generation of prison officers called a 'care bear'.
A devastating critique of the British prison service, 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' ignites a debate about a vital subject we ignore at our peril.
The author used qualitative data collected in 2005 and 2006 in California to explore how former inmates (men and women) understand and explain prison violence and inmate culture.--Chapter 1.
View from the Trenches: A Manual for Wardens by Wardens