The Poetry Of T.S. Eliot Is An Incisive Interpretation Of Eliot S Poetry In The Indian Context Vis-A-Vis The Views Of Western Critics In So Far As The Christian Coloration Of His Poetry Is Concerned. A Good Deal Of Light Is Thrown On The Early, Middle And Later Poetry Of Eliot. A Special Emphasis Has Been Laid On The Genesis And Culminating Experience Of Eliot As A Man And As An Artist.
This Book Contains Extracts From Krishna Murti S Talks Juxtaposed With Extracts From P.P. Ouspensky And Gurudjieff; And A Commentary On The Subject. The Latter Two Are Considered Sources Of Krishnamurti'S Teachings.
ORIENTAL & INDIAN PHILOSOPHY. If truth can set us free, where do we find it? In "The First and Last Freedom", Krishnamurti argues that we will not find truth in...
Swadharma ' and ' Swabhava ' are often used to denote the nature of man . The ' eternal ' in man is universal in all men . The vision of the eternal is the realization of the supreme person who'quickens but owns not and acts but claims ...
He is eye the Gods . Sun protects the human eye and lends them lustre and the power to see . The poet prays that let us see the Bright eye , for hundred actumns . Being the eye of the God , he is called as the spy of the God .
What is the truth? This book presents it's meaning under the guideline of the author.
... Buddhist psychology " , Religion 17 , 1987 , 15-28 GB1473 Sangharaksita , Crossing the Stream . Glasgow 1987 GB1474 G.H.Sasaki , Linguistic Approach to Buddhist Thought . 1986 GB1475 Lambert Schmithausen , " Beitrage zum ...
... words , they become meaningless . If Kumārila's objection asserts that the word ' knowable ' , on the Buddhist theory , cannot be meaningful by itself because it has no contrary to be differentiated from , then it is pointless . In ...
Contributed research papers.
A brief account of karma and transmigration is followed by an introduction to Indian ways of assessing arguments. The body of the work canvasses the systems of Nyaya Vaisesika, Buddhism, Jainism, Samkhya and Advaita Vedanta.
It is therefore most appropriate that Yoga and Indian philosophy be given equal attention both in the context of academic research and in the framework of popularising Yoga.