Orthopaedics for Medical Graduates is an updated comprehensive book for undergraduate students and young doctors preparing for NEET PG examination. This will also be a handy, practical reading material for those practicing orthopaedics. Topics covered as per the latest revised curriculum of Medical Council of India Covers both the new and old curriculums of MCI(NMC) Well illustrated with 500+ photographs, radiographs and line drawings Clinical examination in orthopaedics will be of great help to students during the examination and in clinical practice Easy, comprehensible language with concise and focussed information for students to understand even complex entities in orthopaedics Keynotes at end of each chapter will be of great help for a quick review without going through voluminous text. Emphasis on communication, informed consent, clinical documentation in an exclusive chapter which is most often an overlooked entity Many common procedures are shown in videos
Extensively illustrated with high-quality radiographs and line diagrams, this undergraduate orthopaedics and trauma textbook has been fully updated for its third edition.
This quick-reference guide is the first book written specifically for the many third- and fourth-year medical students rotating on an orthopedic surgery service.
The book offers a standard approach to history taking and physical examination, and relevant anatomy, highlighting the reasons for the different approaches within each specialty as required.
Fleisig GS, Andrews JR, Cutter GR, et al.: Risk of serious injury for young baseball pitchers: a 10- year prospective study, Am J Sports Med 39(2):253–257, 2011. Keeley DW, Hackett T, Keirns M, et al.: A biomechanical analysis of youth ...
Friedlaender GE: Bone grafts: The basic science rationale for clinical applications, J Bone Joint Surg Am 69:786–790, 1987. Heckman JD, et al: Acceleration of tibial fracture–healing by noninvasive, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound, ...
Arcuate ligament is also known as Osborne's ligament/fascia and the cubital tunnel retinaculum. • See Forearm chapter for radial tunnel. Humerus Arcuate Arcade of Struthers Medial intermuscular septum Cubital tunnel Arcuate ligament.
Performing well on orthopedic surgery rotations during the 4th year of medical school is critical for match success. The goal of this guide book is to help students ace their orthopedic rotations.
edition. Textbook for Orthopaedics is for final year MBBS students and is written with a very easy to understand, comprehend and ... You don't have to look for DDH, Perthes disease in one and OA, septic arthritis in another chapter.
Sections include Sports Medicine, Shulder and Elbow, Hand and Wrist, Adult Reconstruction, Trauma, Foot and Ankle, Spine, and Pediatric Orthopaedics. Over 70 companion surgical videos on DVD.
This book is an essential resource for all orthopaedic graduates, trainees and professionals alike. The book is intended as the second edition of previously published ‘Current Orthopaedic Practice’.