Carranza's Clinical Periodontology-Ebook: Third South Asia Edition

Carranza's Clinical Periodontology-Ebook: Third South Asia Edition
Elsevier Health Sciences
Chini Doraiswami Dwarakanath


Carranza's Clinical Periodontology: Third South Asia Edition is a complete and thorough presentation of periodontology essentials while retaining the style and quality that makes the book the number one periodontal textbook in the world. From basic science and fundamental procedures to the latest advanced techniques in reconstructive, esthetic, and implant therapy, this book is the resource you can count on to master the most current information and techniques, in periodontology. The gold standard since 1947, Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology is more than just a textbook, it features expert leadership, an improved organization, and new online features. Renowned authorities help you learn the fundamentals, make the best clinical decisions, get the best results from each procedure, avoid complications, and exceed your patients' expectations Over 1500 illustrations (full color photos, radiographs, tables, flowcharts, boxes) in the book beautifully illustrate the details of specific conditions and treatments. Though the basic concepts remain the same, the sections on Tooth brush design, Dentifrices and Chemical plaque biofilm control with oral rinses in the chapter ‘Plaque Biofilm Control’ have been totally revamped to include more details for better understanding. Additionally, classification of Chemical plaque control agents which was not there in earlier editions has also been included. Since the book is targeted for UG students, only the pertinent and basic concepts of Implantology have been retained in print form, the rest have been made available online. Comprehensive coverage includes the etiology and treatment of periodontal diseases, the relationship between periodontal disease and systemic health, and oral implant dentistry Complimentary access to full e-book Key Points provided for each chapter MCQs with answers given for each chapter Exhaustive List of References for each chapter taken online Includes 11 online chs: Critical Thinking: Assessing Evidence. Fundamentals in the Methods of Periodontal disease Epidemiology. Practical Molecular biology of Host-Microbe interactions Resolution of Inflammation Precision Dentistry: Genetics of Periodontal disease risk and treatment. Sleep-disordered breathing Leukocyte and Platelet Rich Fibrin - Biological properties and applications Multidisciplinary versus Interdisciplinary approaches to Dental and Periodontal problems. Piezoelectric bone surgery Digitally assisted Implant Surgery Atlas of Periodontal diseases

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