Applied Statistics: A Course for Social Sciences will introduce readers to the versatile statistical tools and techniques of estimation of parameters, testing of hypotheses (both in experimental and non-experimental set-ups), the use of multivariate models to answer many research questions in a single shot, data reduction techniques, etc. Besides emphasizing the need for computer support for data transformation, data condensation, data analysis, and storing the data for future use, the book also deals extensively with non-parametric tests for use in situations where assumptions of parametric tests are doubtful. Analyses of time series data and index numbers have also been included. Though primarily designed for analysis of economic data, they also have great relevance in the analysis of varieties of social and demographic data. The text is written in a straightforward style, keeping in view the mindset of the end users - social scientists. Numerous diagrams and tables have been integrated to illustrate important concepts and techniques of analysis. A glossary, statistical tables, and a comprehensive index have also been incorporated.
The information in this text is presented in an easy to understand manner that allows students to see the importance of properly conducted research.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approacheswill show you how to look at the world from a new perspective, to question, and to understand the importance of social research today.
Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches
Mark the number on the sampling frame that corresponds to the chosen random number to indicate that the case is in the ... ( 1 ) Yes ( 8 ) Yes ( 2 ) Abrams , J. ( M ) Adams , H. ( F ) Yes Anderson , H. ( M ) Arminond , L. ( M ) Boorstein ...
This is a fully-integrated package that lets students experience the challenge and excitement of doing real social research.
A concise introduction to the fundamental concepts of social scientific thinking, this text - a favourite with students for over 25 years - makes scientific thinking, research methods and statistics accessible to undergraduates at a common ...
社会科学研究: 从思维开始 : 原书第11版
Unsur-unsur Pemikiran Ilmiah Dalam Ilmu-ilmu Sosial
"This book leads students to learn about the process of conducting statistical investigations from data collection, to exploring data, to statistical inference, to drawing appropriate conclusions.