Splits a double into mantissa and exponent Calculates the hypotenuse of the right angled triangle Returns the absolute value of long 1 Returns the natural logarithm of positive number d Returns the logarithm to the base 10 of positive ...
本书讲述从编程语言到学习如何使用正确的语法,介绍的内容包括:计算机能"听"懂哪些语言;在编写程序时,我们需要遵循的规则叫什么;想要编写一个给宠物自动喂食的程序 ...
本书讲述计算机的各部分组成,看看它们是如何存储信息以及如何按照指令执行不同工作的.介绍的内容包括:计算机由哪些不同部分组成,它们是如何协同工作的 ...
We can represent a string constant by enclosing the constant in quotation marks , such as “ cow ” , “ flight 109 ” , and “ This is an example of a string containing quite a few letters ” . The quotation marks are necessary because ...
Instr Man Pascal 3e
After reading this book, students will understand the basics of structured programming as well as how to use data types, control structures, files, arrays, and subprograms.
Computing Projects In Visual Basic. NET has been written mainly for students of AS/A level Computing, 'A' level ICT and Advanced VCE ICT. The book covers everything needed to write a large program.
3GL Program Design
Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection
Building Information Systems: VCE Information Systems
Building Information Systems