Communication Rights is a key issue in contemporary societies, especially in a country like India, which faces major communication deficits. Negotiating Communication Rights explores some of the most important aspects of communication rights movements in India. Beginning with the theoretical aspects of communication rights, the book deals with five case studies related to significant movements of our times, namely, the Right to Information, Free and Open Source Software, Women and Media, Community Radio, and Citizen Journalism. It also analyses the complexity of specific rights issues in India, such as women's rights, citizen activism and the role of media. The book explores the processes through which ordinary citizens have developed spaces for self-expression-a concept synonymous with media democratisation. The author argues for the need for streamlining of communication rights movements in India and for an India-specific framework for communication rights.
Beginning with the theoretical aspects of communication rights, the book deals with five case studies related to significant movements of our times, namely, the Right to Information, Free and Open Source Software, Women and Media, Community ...
Value Negotiation: How to Finally Get the Win-Win Right examines the complicated world of negotiation and provides a simple and practical approach in helping negotiators learn how to consistently deliver the most possible value at the ...
Communication and Negotiation provides a synthesis of the research in this area by consolidating alternative perspectives on communication and negotiation, reviewing the work of noted communication scholars, and suggesting directions for ...
This text will be of interest to all police and corrections agencies, fire and rescue emergency personnel, medical service personnel, and chaplains.
... Communication Gazette,68(4), 291–312. Thomas, P. N. (2009). Bhoomi, Gyan Ganga,egovernanceand the righttoinformation: ICTs and development in India. Telematics andInformatics, 26, 20–31. Thomas, P. N. (2011). Negotiating Communication ...
... .com/statistics/1180939/average-price-for-mobile- data - in - africa / , accessed 20/01/2023 Thomas , P.N. ( 2011 ) . Negotiating Communication Rights : Case Studies from India . New Delhi : Sage . Part I Cultural and Minority Rights.
Negotiating Across Cultures: Communication Obstacles in International Diplomacy
See e.g. Jacques Chevallier, 'Re ́flexions sur la gouvernance du syste`me audiovisuelle' in Regourd and Calandri, n. 2, 375, 385 comparing the approaches of Serge Regourd (broadcasting as distinct) and Emmanuel Derieux (broadcasting as ...
... Negotiating Communication Rights: Case Studies from India. New Delhi: Sage. Thomas, W.I. and D.S. Thomas (1928). The Child in America: Behaviour Problems and Programmes. New York: Knopf. Tomasello, M. (2008). Origins of Human Communication ...
Best Practice Workplace Negotiations offers a systematic approach to developing negotiating skills.