Competence in communicating across cultures is a prerequisite for success in today's fast-changing global community. In Intercultural Communication, Patel, Li and Sooknanan draw on their deep intercultural experience to show us how to build successful communication bridges across diverse cultures. The book explores various theoretical positions on global communication ethics and norms by providing an overview of the contemporary socio-cultural situation and seeking ways in which common ground may be found between these different positions. The authors raise points of critical reflection on intercultural events and issues in various areas of communication including health, work, environment and education. The book also covers a range of issues, from the interactions of various cultures to the expansion of social organizations and the growing global infrastructure. By integrating 'glocal' perspectives in intercultural communication, the book addresses the long-term strategy of developing a global community without sacrificing indigenous local values.
Highlighting values, ethnicity, physical geography, and attitudes, the book examines means of interaction, including body language, eye contact, and exchange of words, as well as the stages of relationships, cross-cultural management, ...
Levande, Herrick, and Sung maintain that while filial piety (i.e., loyalty and obedience to parents, the elderly) remains a central value among Koreans, familial relationships between parents and children are changing from one of duty ...
Understanding Intercultural Communication introduces students to the foundations of intercultural communication, a growing sub-discipline within Communication.
This handbook summarises the state of the art in international, cultural and developmental communication and sets the agenda for future research.
In W. B. Gudykunst ( Ed . ) , Communication in Japan and the United States . Albany , NY : SUNY Press . Gudykunst , W. B. , & Nishida , T. ( 1994 ) . Bridging Japanese / North American differences . Thousand Oaks , CA : Sage .
To help you avoid such damaging gaffes, Tracy Novinger has compiled this authoritative, practical guide for deciphering and following "the rules" that govern cultures, demonstrating how these rules apply to the communication issues that ...
Intercultural Communication
11. Journal of Communication, 30, 10–29. Gerbner, G., Morgan, M., & Signorielli, N. (1986). Living with television: The dynamics of the cultivation process. In J. Bryant & D. Zillmann (Eds.), Perspectives on media effects (pp. 17–40).
The essential guide to intercultural communication. Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's. Willis-Rivera, J. L., & Meeker, M. (1997). De Que Colores: A critical examination of multicultural children's books. Communication Education, 51(3), ...
... 237 St. George , R. , 38 Stilling , E. , 251 Stonequist , E. , 247 Stopka ... R. , 149 Tidwell , R. , 227 , 230 Timberlake , M. F. , 266 Ting - Toomey ...