Feeding Dairy Cows in the Tropics

Feeding Dairy Cows in the Tropics
Daya Books
Andrew Speedy


The book review the various milk production system according to agro-climate and technical, economical and sociological conditions, review new knowledge in ruminant digestion nutrition and physiology, match milk production systematic available and potential feed resources, taking into account their nutritional characteristics. The book make recommendations for the development of sustainable milk production systems based on locally available feed resources. Contents Chapter 1: Medium Terms Outlook for Dairying in the Developing Countries by W Krostitz, Chapter 2: The Lactating Cow in the Various Ecosystems: Environmental Effects on Its Productvity by H D Johnson, Chapter 3: Physiological Constraints to Milk Production: Factors which Determine Nutrient Partitioning, Lactation Persistency and Mobilization of Body Reserves by Y Chillard, Chapter 4: Influence of Nutrition on Reproductive Performance of the Milking/Gestating Cow in the Tropics by K H Lotthamer, Chapter 5: The Role and Mechanisms of Genetic Improvement in Production Systems Constrained by Nutritional and Environmental Factors by O Syrstad, Chapter 6: Matching Livestock Systems with Available Resources by T R Preston, Chapter 7: Nutritional Characteristics of Tropical Feed Resources: Natural and Improved Grasslands, Crop Residues and Agro Industrial by Products by M Chenost and R Sansoucy, Chapter 8: Feeding Strategies for Improving Milk Production of Dairy Animals Managed by Small Farmers in the Tropics by R A Leng, Chapter 9: Feeding Riverine Buffaloes for Milk/Dual Purpose Production by A M El Serafy, Chapter 10: Feeding Swamp Buffalo for Milk Production by S Khajarern and J M Khajarern, Chapter 11: Future Prospects for Fodder and Pasture Production by A Aminah and C P Chen, Chapter 12: Forage and Legumes as Proteing Supplements for Pasture Based Systems by F A Moog, Chapter 13: The Development of Dairy Farming in Thailand by S Pichet, Chapter 14: Milk Production Systems Based on Pasture in the Tropics by Roberto Garcia Trujillo, Chapter 15: Dairy Production in the Semi Arid Rangelands of West Africa by Modibo Traore, Chapter 16: Feeding Systems and Problems in he Indo Ganges Plain: Case Study by V C Badve, Chapter 17: Feeding Dairy Cattle in Tropical Region of China by Cheng Naging, Chapter 18: Milk Production Systems in Tropical Latin America by J I Restrepo, E Murgueitio and T R Preston, Chapter 19: Restricted Suckling in Dual Purpose Systems, Chapter 20: Heifer Rearing in the Tropics by J Ugarte, Chapter 21: Feeding Cows for Milk Production in the Arusha/Kilimanjaro Coffee/Banana Belt of Tanzania FAO Project: Assistance to Smallholders in Dairy Development: Case Study by L S Morungu, Chapter 22: Milk Production From Tropical Fodder and Sugarcane Residues Case Study: on Farm Research in Mauritius by A A Boodoo, Chapter 23: Training in the Development of Feed Resources by R W Froemert.

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