All forms of Yoga in general, & Sri Aurobindo's Integral Yoga in particular, call for the need of formulation of a psychological standpoint with emphasis on the synthesis of the various aspects of experience. This psychology is called Integral Psychology. This book gives a resume of the viewpoints of several noted western & Indian psychologists, & traces the relationship between Yoga & Integral Psychology.
★百萬暢銷書《秘密》的思想源頭 ★「吸引力法則」創始大師威廉‧沃克‧阿特金森最重要的經典之作 ...
This is the seminal work by Dr. Roberto Assagioli, M.D. on a psychological model he developed called psychosynthesis. He was a contemporary and colleague of both Freud and Jung and...
Dr. David Scharff explores the role of sexuality in human relationships by combining his extensive experience in individual, marital, family, and sex therapy with theoretical contributions from object relations theory...
What? A Clinical Psychologist Espousing Tarot Cards? Dr. Arthur Rosengarten, in Tarot and Psychology: Spectrums of Possibility, does just that. He explains Tarot to those who may want to learn...
A collection of the brilliant papers of John D. Sutherland, this volume gives the reader a unique education in the development of the self. Noted psychoanalyst, theoretician, and editor, J....
This book is about work with adolescents and their families. It is based on a particular psychoanalytic understanding of the way people function and grow and on the development of...