Text, translation and Interpretation of selected Upanishads, Hindu philosophical classics.
The Earlier and Later Upaniṣads: A Comparative Study
Dayānanda's thought and spiritual understanding are not easy to penetrate , and I found Parmanand ( transl . ) , Svāmī Dayānanda Sarasvati's Rg - Vedādi Bhāşya Bhūmikā . New Delhi : Meharchand Lachhmandas , 1984 , very helpful . 107.
... Nais 3.1 ( p . 253 ) , K. S. MURTY , Revelation and Reason in Advaita Vedānta , Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass , 1974 ... 3.1 and 4.7 thus : caturvidhānvaya- vyatirekȧbhyām ; dṛśyatvādi - caturvidhänvayavyatireka - lakṣaṇo nyāyaḥ . . . 5 ...
... the Aśvamedha , who knows about the performance of the sacrifice , the horse and the fire which is to be collected ( from whatever house of ( a fire worshiper ) -all ( this ) as Prajapati , Arka , the result of the ( performance of the ) ...