In 1953, experimental brain surgery was performed on a young man named Henry M. It was a time when lobotomies were in fashion, and Henry's doctors believed that his epilepsy...
In Context Is Everything, Susan Engel explores how the place, company, purpose, and situation--the context of the recollection--profoundly affects the essence and experience of a memory.
Translated by J. Sachs. Santa Fe, NM: Green Lion Press. Arndt,J., & Reder, L. M. (2003). The effect of distinctive visual information on false recognition. Journal ofMemory and Language, 48, 1–15. Arnold, H. M., & Spear, N. E. (1997).
Explains how human memory works, describes the biological structure of the brain, and discusses amnesia, memory lapses, and examples of emotional memory
Lucid, engaging, and enjoyable.” —Jerome Groopman, MD “Compelling in its science and its probing examination of everyday life, The Seven Sins of Memory is also a delightful book, lively and clear.” —Chicago Tribune Winner of the ...
Together, the chapters in this handbook lay out the theories and presents the evidence on which they are based, highlights the important new discoveries, and defines their consequences for professionals and students in psychology, ...
Based on multiple case examples, The Confabulating Mind provides an in-depth review of the presentations, the causative diseases, and the mechanisms of this phenomenon and compares confabulation with normal false memories, as they occur in ...
Theories of Memory
One scene in the film presages a change-blindness scenario, with one of the actors moving behind a screen and the other appearing from behind it on the other side. * Thus we could define non-fictive dominance by substituting “A” for “B” ...
This collective memory works through morphic fields, which organize the bodies of plants and animals, coordinate the activities of brains, and underlie conscious mental activity.