Toniolo , Gianni , Michael D. Bordo , Forest Capie , and Angela Redish , eds . Central Bank Cooperation at the Bank for International Settlements , 1930–1973 . New York : Cambridge University Press , 2005 . BASIC ECONOMIC QUESTIONS The ...
Hall , Peter A. , and David W. Soskice . Varieties of Capitalism : The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage . New York : Oxford University Press , 2001 . Johansson , B. , and Charlie Karlsson .
A collection of primary documents and statistics on the concepts, people, and organizations related to economic globalization from the sixteenth century to the present, including the text of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Examines the concepts, people, and organizations related to economic globalization from the sixteenth century to the present, and features over 150 alphabetically-arranged entries and primary documents on topics including international...
By 1982, middle-income countries in East Asia, Eastern Europe, and especially Latin America had borrowed heavily via syndicated loan packages put together in the Eurocurrency markets. They were paying LIBOR+on their loans.
More important, the top 1 percent held 42.7 percent of all financial wealth in the same year. Inequalities are not a concern if they improve the welfare of those who are at the bottom of the income ladder, or at least do them no harm.
There is also a glossary and an annotated guide to books, films, videos, and Web sites. O'Connor teaches economics at Edwin O. Smith High School in Connecticut.
Using simple language and relevant real-world examples, this book is appropriate for high school and undergraduate economics students as well as general-interest readers curious to learn more about the global economy.
... Imperialism Green Power Black Death Eco - Imperialism Green Power , Black Death PAUL DRIESSEN with a foreword by DEEPAK LAL • 2005 Hard - cover Pp . 248 534 x 9 ISBN 81-7188-427 - X Rs . 495 US $ 39.95 URVASHI DHAMIJA Sustainable Solid ...
Encyclopedia of business ethics and society, 58 Encyclopedia of business information sources, 8 Encyclopedia of business in today's world, 175 Encyclopedia of careers and vocational guidance, 1244 Encyclopedia of consumption and waste, ...
... 121 Baldwin, Ben, 102 Banis, William J., 136 The Bank Directory, 91–92 Bank for International Settlements, 92 Bank for International Settlements Data on Exchange Traded Derivatives, 74 The Banker, 98, 99, 156 BanxQuote, ...