The History of Hindu Religious Endowments in Andhra Pradesh (1800-1953 ad)-presents an account of situations in Hindu Temples of Telugu speaking areas of Madras Presidency till the creation of separate HR & CE Department for Andhra Pradesh in 1951. The association of the British and their legislation towards religious endowments with reference to Tirupati Temple over the State interference in matters of religion has been analysed.
aThe Construction of Hinduism as a ®Public ̄ Religion: Looking Again at the Religious Roots of Company Raj in South India.« In Religion and Public Culture: Encounters and ... History of the Hindu Religious Endowments in Andhra Pradesh.
The Governing Guru: Hindu Mathas in Liberalizing India', in Jacob Copeman and Aya Ikegame (eds.) ... Yoga in Modern Hinduism: Hariharānanda Aranya and Samkhyayoga. ... History of the Hindu Religious Endowments in Andhra Pradesh.
Narayan, Ayyar C.V. (1936) Origin and early history of Shaivism in South India. Madras. Narayana, P.S. (2005) The A.P. Charitable & Hindu Religious Institutions and Endowments Act, 1987, 4th edn. Hyderabad: ALT Publications.
... ( Sailor's Last Blow for Freedom ) : Biswanath Bose Indian Freedom Movement : A.U. Siddiqui Akbar and His Age : edited by Iqtidar Alam Khan History of the Hindu Religious Endowments in Andhra Pradesh : K. Nirmala Kumari The Greatest ...
(2) Drive toward “improvement of religious atmosphere of temples to make them serve as living centers of religious ... In Andhra Pradesh, formerly a part of Madras, the minister of Hindu religious endowments has urged publicly that the ...
Using records of religious endowments from Andhra Pradesh, author Cynthia Talbot reconstructs a regional society of the precolonial past as it existed in practice.
These are the papers from the 8th Cambridge Tax Law History Conference held in July 2016.
This book analyses the phenomenon of pilgrimage as a religious practice and experience and examines Shrî Shailam, a renowned south Indian pilgrimage site of Shiva and Goddess Durga.
Cynthia Talbot concludes from material from Andhra Pradesh that “few of the donors of the endowments recorded in these documents choose to describe themselves in these terms” [varna and jāti]. Instead, “the classical varna scheme was ...
While examining the role of the Court in defining and demarcating religion as well as religious freedom, practices, and organizations, this volume also highlights important issues such as interpretative traditions and legal doctrines ...