This Book On The Applied Aspects Of Environmental Geology Encapsulates A Geologist'S Concern That People Are Selling Their Future To Finance Their Present. Geology, Environment And Society Explores Subjects Of Ecosystem Structure; Soil And Mineral Resources And Their Conservation; Hydrogeology And Water Resources Management; Terrain Evaluation And Land-Use Planning; Engineering Geology And The Application Of Technology; Understanding Earth Processes And Natural Hazards, Climate Change And Drought; Careful Waste Disposal Methods; And Medical Geology.The Book Addresses The Problems Of Environmental Security Within The Context Of Geological Settings And The Geodynamic Sensitivity Of Terrains. It Suggests Measures To Mitigate The Adverse Consequences Of Tampering With Nature'S Fine Balance. Over 150 Detailed And Clearly Labelled Diagrams, Photographs, Maps And Satellite Images Illustrate These Aspects, And Are Critical To The Understanding Of These Problems.The Author Draws On Both Past And Contemporary Events In India To Make The Reader Familiar With The Relationship Between People And Their Natural Environment. In Doing So, He Also Highlights The Geologist'S Role In Preserving The Earth System So As To Ensure A Better Future For Humankind.
Instructor's Manual with Test Bank to Accompany Geology and the Environment [by] Bernard W. Pipkin
Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene
Presenting the student with a broad overview of environmental geology, Montgomery looks both at how the Earth developed into its present condition and where matters seem to be moving for the future in order to provide a useful foundation ...
The writing style holds the interest of nonmajor students, and the text brings applications to the forefront so that students feel a connection to the topic.
9.9 L'étagement dans les Rocheuses du Sud - Est . La figure représente plus précisément la coupe au niveau des ... qui couvre l'essentiel du Nevada , de l'Utah , de l'Arizona et du NouveauMexique , le sud - ouest de la Californie et ...
This book sets out a paradigm of experimental geographical ecology and its core--landscape ecology--providing a number of empirical statistical models and ecological geographical concepts developed on the basis of these.
... VNR color dictionary of minerals and gemstones . New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold . Zoltai , T. , and Stout , J. H. 1984. Mineralogy : Concepts and principles . Minneapolis , Minn .: Burgess . NETNOTES A listing of state , U.S. ...
Intended for the introductory-level college course, the principal aim of this text is to present the student with a broad overview of environmental geology.
Reichard's Environmental Geology second edition continues to emphasize how humans interact with the environment within a geological context.