The Book Highlights The Wide Scope Of Adventure Tourism And Sports And Describes The Adventure Activities On Mountains, Deserts, Valleys, Rivers, Waters, Snow, Air, And Space In A Very Interesting, Effective, Enjoying, Recreational And Challenging Style. The Description Is Profusely Illustrated By A Number Of Coloured And B/W Photographs To Make It A Unique Text On This Subject Which Is Presented And Produced First Time In This Unique Style.
This book introduces students to the phenomenon of sports tourism -- one of the fastest growing niche markets in the tourism industry.
The book has a sound pedagogic structure, with key chapter features including: * Spotlight' sections focusing on the occupation of a frontline individual in the snow sports industry in various roles including marketing, resort designer, ...
This incisive book has been written to address that need and to stimulate the curiosity of students, educators and practitioners alike.
Deporte y turismo, destino américa Latina: productos comercializados por tour operadores europeos