Designed to facilitate understanding and retention of the material presented, each chapter contains the following pedagogical features:u Opening Case: Each chapter begins with an opening case highlighting strategies and actions followed by Indian companies while trying to exploit the opportunities present in a competitive environment.u Real World Examples: Each chapter contains a number of real- world examples illustrating how a particular firm has exploited the gaps present in the environment, using its own resources to best advantage. u Terminology: Key ideas and terms that are vital to understanding strategic management have been highlighted throughout the book and explained at the end in a summarised formu References: Each chapter is also supported by carefully selected references for the benefit of readers who might be interested in exploring the topic(s) further.u Personality Profiles: Personality sketches of leading corporate heroes have also been provided at appropriate places, illustrating the manner in which they fought against heavy odds and emerged as winners in the end.u Review and Discussion Questions : Following the terminology, review and discussion questions offer an opportunity to focus on each of the key ideas illustrated at the beginning of each chapter and stimulate clear thinking.u Research Inputs: The book provides a comprehensive coverage of a vast, growing subject well-supported by a wealth of research data collected from multifarious sources.u Concluding Case: Each chapter contains a thoroughly researched and widely-acclaimed case, picked up from Business Today, relevant to the topic in question.u Student Oriented Text: The subject matter has been presented in a simple and lucid manner, keeping the unique requirements of students in mind.
The case version of this text (0134422570 / 9780134422572 Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases Plus MyManagementLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package, 16e) includes 30 new comprehensive, and up ...
Strategic Management: A Dynamic Perspective : Concepts
The nineteen cases presented in this text provide a stimulating introduction to the world of strategic management.
... Weinberg , beer analyst and consultant , says , “ If you're talking about continuing to license and play the game as ... The acquisition was opposed in the federal courts by S & P Co. , a privately held company that owns Falstaff ...
Introduction -- Strategy -- Strategic analysis -- Case study analysis -- Creating the global organisation -- Creating value in a global context -- Emerging economies -- Strategic agility and design -- Business ethics -- Digital strategy -- ...
In this edition, Alan Hoffman and Chuck Bamford offer a fresh perspective to this extraordinarily well-researched and practically crafted lesson. Also included is a new chapter on Global Strategy.
Workshop Workbook
Christensen , C. M. , 1997 , The Innovator's Dilemma : When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail ( Cambridge , MA : Harvard Business School Press ) . 3. For an interesting discussion about Polaroid , see Gavetti , G. , & Levinthal ...
Strategic Management: Text & Cases
In this edition, five are new (Campbell Soup, General Motors, Avon, Tata Starbucks, and Greenwood Resources) and twenty-six have been thoroughly revised (Apple, eBay, JetBlue, Johnson & Johnson, and Zynga to name just a few of the familiar ...