The book presents the fundamentals of Human Resource Management in a simple, lucid and easily understandable style. It provides a comprehensive coverage to a vast, growing discipline well supported by a wealth of research data collected from multifarious sources, potently and carefully. A notable feature of the book is that it gives extensive coverage to HRD topics. The book contains a number of informative tables, summary boxes and useful diagrams. It is also liberally sprinkled with current examples and illustrations designed to convey the information in an uncomplicated manner. The book is primarily meant for students pursuing advanced courses in Human Resource Management such as MBA, PGDBA, M Com and IAS.Some of the changes in the Second Edition are summarized below:v A refined version of SHRMv Total quality HRM approachv Summarised versions of best employers in India especially their recruitment, selection, training and executive development practicesv Succession planning and succession management enriched with live corporate examplesv 360-degree feedback system, essentials of an effective appraisal system, potential appraisalv How leading Indian companies appraise potentialv Latest data regarding union membership; union recognition, criteria and rights, voluntary recognition and the code of discipline, verification of union membership, the check off system, recommendations of NCL, current trends in trade unionismv Features of industrial relations, approaches to industrial relations, latest data regarding industrial disputesv Important uses of human resource information systemv New chapter on International Human Resource Managementv Study Aids in a New Format: Discussion questions, Internet sources, true/false questions, key term exercises, student activities, etc., have been brought under one roof, i e, at the end of each chapterv 9 New Cases: The case of the risky recruit, the case of bench management, the case of TQM and innovation, compensation crises, incentive issues, the case of variable pay, the case of involuntary VRS, the case of mentoring management and the case of the hushed relationship
La obra tiene como propósito ofrecer las nuevas tendencias de la gestión de recursos humanos, partiendo de una relación laboral.
Demonstrating Strategic Leadership in the Face of Future Trends William J. Rothwell, Robert K. Prescott, Maria W. Taylor. Demonstrating Strategic Leadership in the Face Human Resource Transformation of Future Trends WILLIAM J. ROTHWELL ...
本书分为正己篇、识人篇、择人篇、用人篇、管人篇、御人篇、竞人篇、育人篇、励人篇和容人篇等十篇,吸收了许多西方管理科学、行为科学的思想和方法 ...
本书主要有以下特点:理论与实践、个体行为与组织行为紧密结合;书中每一章节后都附有职业生涯管理技能习题,这些习题给读者提供了一个机会,使之把所学的内容用于职业探索 ...
Effective Talent Management: Aligning Strategy, People and Performance
Englewood Cliffs , NJ : Prentice - Hall . ... Upper Saddle River , NJ : PrenticeHall . Samoff , J. 1996. ' Chaos and certainty in development . ... Schwella , E. , Burger , J. , Fox , W. & Muller J.J. 1996. Public resource management .
Strategic Human Resource Planning
A Conceptual Approach to Strategic Talent Management