The attitude concept is the widely acclaimed means of sociologists and psychologists for the analysis of emperical research used in the analysis of related theories and generalizations. Rapid changes in attitudes have been taking place in the recent decades due to the fast pace of economic development.
... Latin America . Acta historiae rerum naturalium necnon technicarum , 3 , 139-151 . Denzin , N.K. ( 2003 ) ... perspectives in the mathematics classroom ( pp . 85-97 ) . Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers . Restivo , S. ( 1991 ) . The ...
... development. According to him, personality development is a lifelong process, and ego identity occupies a central ... transitional stage of physical and mental development. This transition involves biological, social as well as ...
3 Amnesty International (1989) Uganda, the Human Rights Record, 1986–1989, March ed. London: Amnesty International Publications. 4 The major exception is Joanna Quinn, whose work is cited throughout the chapter.
By placing the insurrection of December 1851 in a broad perspective of socioeconomic and political development, Ted Margadant displays its full significance as a turning point in modern French history.
the ideas of self-cultivation, family regulation, rightly state governing, and making the world at peace that are conveyed ... was the teaching of “inner sage and outer ruler,” which is also the highest goal for Chinese intellectuals.
... transitional stage of physical and mental development that occurs between childhood and adulthood in adolescence. This transition involves biological, social as well as psychological changes. Cognitive, emotional and attitudinal changes ...
This book emerges from the research program of the Centre for Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction at The University of Western Ontario.
We will mention a few examples of aids relevant to the rationality of moral and ethical agents. ... Research ethics provides a good example of this problem and the promise of digital technology to mitigate it.
Compilation of writings on political aspects of social change and economic development in developing countries - covers such topics as traditional and transitional societies, nationalist ideology, military government, industrialization, urbanization,...
Asian Giants in Indian Works: A Compendium of References