The Introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST) in 2017 was undoubtedly the biggest tax reform in the fiscal history of India. After missing several deadlines and overcoming almost a decade of political differences, GST--a uniform nationwide tax-- finally replaced a multi-layered set of Central and State taxes and levies. This book explains various aspects of GST, in simple, lucid, and non-technical language.
Likening fiscal federalism to a game between the Union and the States, and among the States themselves, Indian Fiscal Federalism lays bare the complex rules of play.
By amalgamating a large number of Central and State taxes into a single tax, GST would pave the way for a common national market. This volume focuses on the GST Act 2016 and its effects on Indian federal polity.
This book provides a detailed description and analysis of the evolution and the present nature of fiscal federalism in India. It examines the existing arrangements for intergovernmental financial transfers, the...
This book reviews Centre-State relations in India and the evolution of this relationship over the last fifty years as seen from the perspective of the ten Finance Commissions.
... Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Srinivasan, T.N. and Suresh D. Tendulkar, Reintegrating India with the World Economy, Washington, DC: Institute for International Economics ...
Cover -- India's Fiscal Policy -- Title -- Copyright -- Contents -- Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Disclaimer -- Introduction: Contours of the Indian Fiscal Policy Debate -- Notes -- 1 Fiscal Policy in India Trends and Trajectory -- ...
Papers presented at a seminar held during January 5-6, 1999 at New Delhi.
Spread over 30 chapters, this book provides a detailed description and analysis of the evolution and present structure of fiscal federalism in India. In particular, it contains highlights and a summary of each Finance Commission Report.
... Strengthening Indian Center State Fiscal Frameworks' IMF Country Report No.17/55, India: Selected Issues, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC, pp. 19–25. Krueger, Anne O., and Sajjid Chinoy ... Finance Commissions in India 273.
J Polit Econ 87(5, Part 1):940–971 Buchanan JM (1955) Public Principles of Public Debt: a Defense and Restatement. vol 2. Homewood Ill, Richard D. Irwin Butts HC (2009) Short-term external debt and economic growth—Granger causality: ...