Get Up and running on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with ease. Microsoft Windows Server 208 in Simple Steps covers all the essentials required for deploying and administering the latest release of Microsoft s powerful and versatile network operating system. With clear screenshots and step-by-step instructions, Microsoft Windows Server 2008; this book shows you how to set up a server, migrate from earlier versions and handle networking, administration, storage and security. You ll also get details on the new Web Tools and management utilities available in Windows Server 2008.
Get up and running on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with ease This hands-on guide covers all the essentials of deploying and administering the latest release of Microsoft's powerful, versatile network operating system.
Teach yourself SQL Server 2008—one step at a time.
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Administration in Simple Steps explains the powerful management, networking and security tools in Windows Server 2008 using the comprehensive information contained in this real-world resource.
If you're curious, but hesitant, about finding your way around Microsoft's new Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 For Dummies is the book for you.
Several Group Policy settings are available in the following Group Policy node: Computer Configuration •u Policies Administrative Templates Windows Components Remote Desktop Services Remote Desktop Session Host Session ...
Over the years, the number of editions of Windows has grown. However, these different versions share mostly the same core set of files, and so Microsoft now ships all versions of Windows Vista on one media, with all sharing a single WIM ...
Printed in the United States of America First Printing January 2010 EditorinChief Karen Gettman Executive Editor Neil Rowe Development Editor Mark Renfrow Managing Editor Kristy Hart Project Editor Betsy Harris Copy Editor Karen Annett ...
Q. queries, DNS, 84–85 Query window, 309, 310, 315, 316, 317 Queue Viewer, 259 quota policy, 100 Quota Policy screen, ... See databases relative ID master (RID master), 120, 121 /release, 45 remote access email and, 271–273 encryptions, ...
If there is a local global catalog, logon can complete without a request having to go across a site link. DHCP servers are needed for dynamic IP addressing. If there is a local DHCP server, clients with dynamic IP addressing will be ...
If you need to deploy, manage, or secure Microsoft SQL Server 2008, this is the complete, fast-paced, task-based reference you’ve been searching for.