This book is intended to be a comprehensive and standard textbook for undergraduate students of Microeconomics. Apart from providing students with sufficient study material for examination purpose, it aims at making them understand economics. An effort has been made to explain abstract and complex microeconomic theories in a simple and lucid language without sacrificing analytical sophistication. The subject matter has been structured in a systematic manner without leaving gaps for the readers to fill in. Though the approach is non-mathematical, simple algebra has been used to give a concrete view of economic concepts and theories and to show the applicability of economic theories in decision making.
Microeconomics: Theory & Applications, 13th Edition teaches students how fundamental tools of analysis are used explain and predict market phenomena.
This edition is also enhanced with large clear graphs with simple exposition explaining the dynamic make learning very simple; new real-world applications which are up to date and help readers engage with the book; and international ...
Key Features • Coverage of all topics taught in Indian universities and business schools • Complex theories are explained with self-explanatory diagrams • Plenty of numerical problems • Questions from various universitiy question ...
The 10 th edition of Browning and Zupan′s Microeconomics: Theory and Applications continues to motivate students and introduce them to current thinking in the field.
Fully revised and expanded, this fifth edition of Microeconomics: Theory and Applications presents all the standard topics of traditional microeconomic theory while offering a modern approach that reflects the many exciting recent ...
For all intermediate Microeconomics courses at the undergraduate or graduate level. This text is also suitable for readers interested in calculus-based intermediate microeconomics.
Microeconomic Theory and Applications
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For all...
Microeconomics: Theory And Applications