Handbook on Small & Medium Scale Industries (Biotechnology Products)

Handbook on Small & Medium Scale Industries (Biotechnology Products)
Dr. H. Panda


The Indian biotechnology industry is one of the fastest growing knowledge-based sectors in India and is expected to play an important role in small & medium enterprises industries. Biotechnology is not just one technology, but many. There are a wide variety of products that the biotechnology field has produced. Biotechnology as well all know, is the field of combination of various fields such as genetics, environmental biology, biochemistry, environmental, general, agriculture, fermentation, etc. Biotechnology has a long history of use in food production and processing. It has helped to increase crop productivity by introducing such qualities as disease resistance and increased drought tolerance to the crops. Biotechnology used in processing of wines, beers, Coffee, Tea, Cabbage and Cucumber, etc. Fermentation is biotechnology in which desirable microorganisms are used in the production of value-added products of commercial importance. The products of fermentation are many: alcohol and carbon dioxide are obtained from yeast fermentation of various sugars. Lactic acid, acetic acid and Organic acid are products of bacteria action; citric acid, D-Gluconic acid, Coffee, Tea, Cabbage & Cucumber and Yeasts are some of the products obtained from fermentation. The worldwide demand for biotech products is the only indication; the speed of its advance is the only set to accelerate. Indian Biotechnology industry is considered as one of the sunrise sectors in India. The industry is divided into five major segments: Bio-Pharma, Bio-Services, Bio-Agri, Bio-Industrial and Bio-Informatics. Biotechnology industry’s growth in India is primarily driven by vaccines and recombinant therapeutics. The biotechnology sector of India is highly innovative and is on a strong growth trajectory. The sector, with its immense growth potential, will continue to play a significant role as an innovative manufacturing hub. The high demand for different biotech products has also opened up scope for the foreign companies to set up base in India. Today in India there are more than 350 Biotechnology companies in India providing employment for over 20,000 scientists. The authors cover different aspects of biotechnology such as production of fermented foods, functional foods, enzymes in food processing. The Book contains production of Wines and Beers, Production of Amino Acids, Lactic Acid, Acetic Acid and Organic Acid, Processing of Coffee, Tea, Cabbage, Cucumber, Yeasts and Photographs of Plant & Machinery with Supplier’s Contact Details. The book provides a better understanding about biotechnology production of value-added products, improve productivity, and enhance product quality in the agro food processing sector. The book is highly recommended to new entrepreneurs, professionals, existing units who wants to start manufacturing business of biotechnology products.