Jiddu Krishnamurti Was One Of The Few Philosophers Who Deeply Influenced Human Consciousness. Enlightened By A New Vision Of Life, He Broke Away From Religions And Ideologies And Traversed A Lonely Path Talking To People More Like A Friend Than A Guru. This Book Contains Extracts From Krishna Murti S Talks Juxtaposed With Extracts From P.P. Ouspensky And Gurudjieff; And A Commentary On The Subject. The Latter Two Are Considered Sources Of Krishnamurti'S Teachings.
Krishnamurti And The Fourth Way
A guide for those who seek a true way of inner growth. The Fourth Way is one of the most comprehensive texts published of the ideas taught by the late...
Yet your schools are said to help their members to understand themselves. ... KRISHNAMURTI: The speaker has said that there is no path to truth, that no one can lead another to it. ... Learn where there is leisure. Please go with me a ...
If youve ever wondered what soul is or what is meant by growing a soulthis is the book youve been waiting for. (Teresa Adams, instructor, Haida yoga, the Online Fourth Way School)
However it is packaged and marketed, the only true value of the product is the extent to which it leads us into the intimate depths of our own being where we can each verify, assimilate, and become the truths underlying all authentic wisdom ...
The Fourth Way: A Record of Talks and Answers to Questions Based on the Teaching of G.I. Gurdjieff
And this is so in spite of the fact that never in history have there been so many psychological theories and so many psychological writings. Psychology is sometimes called a new science. This is quite wrong.
"Beyond the Fourth Way" is an exploration of aspects of the Fourth Way, a methodology whereby an ordinary person can be awakened, developed and transformed so that they become a harmonised, conscious being.
Other books by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: The Experience of Nothingness The Nectar of Immortality I Am That Other books by Robert Powell: The Real Is Unknowable, The Knowable Is Unreal Christian Zen: The Essential Teachings of Jesus ...
They claim that they are enlightened people , and they are out to enlighten the vast millions . Maybe one of these days all these people will go to ... I don't have any abode of my own . ... Mine is a sort of gypsy life 130 No Way Out.