God is Here
Follows the author's apprenticeship to one of India's master conjurers and his initiation into the brotherhood of godmen, during which he journeys the subcontinent, meeting a plethora of adhus, sages, sorcerers, hypnotists, and humbugs. 15 ...
How much did the Calcutta doctor charge him at his chamber? Sankar’s composite picture of the monk as man has sold over one lakh copies in Bengali and this translation brings the unfamiliar Vivekananda to a larger readership.
Originally published: New York: Dutton, 1979.
On life and work of Neebkarori Maharaj, 20th century Hindu saint.
Soul Quest Journey from Death
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta: Adi-lila
This book presents an analysis between ethnic minorites and English law.
One needn't be familiar with Indian society, Hindu or Muslim religions or even with regional Indian social and political forces in order to appreciate this compelling story which draws together disparate lives and cross purposes in an ...
Modern Hindu Law