Collector s Edition with Audiobook read by the AuthorStephen Hawking is widely believed to be one of the world s greatest minds: a brilliant theoretical physicist whose work helped to reconfigure models of the universe and to redefine what s in it. Imagine sitting in a room listening to Hawking discuss these achievements and place them in historical context. It would be like hearing Christopher Columbus on the New World.Hawking presents a series of seven lec-tures covering everything from big bang to black holes to string theory that capture not only the brilliance of Hawking s mind but his characteristic wit as well. Of his research on black holes, which absorbed him for more than a decade, he says, It might seem a bit like looking for a black cat in a coal cellar. Hawking begins with a history of ideas about the universe, from Aristotle s determination that the Earth is round to Hubble s discovery, over 2000 years later, that the universe is expanding. Using that as a launching pad, he explores the reaches of modern physics, including theories on the origin of the universe (e.g., the big bang), the nature of black holes, and space-time.
Astronomy and Planetary Science
Imagine a plastic beach ball covered with small dots — the dots are Quasars . The Center of this beach ball is the location where the Big Bang took place . ( :) As described within this book , both the Big Bang and the family of GRB ...
Takes a look at the beginning of the universe fifteen billion years ago and follows the creation step by step into the future
Outlines the evolution of the universe from its creation to the emergence of intelligent life.
El amanecer cósmico
本书介绍了宇宙进化的七个历史时代,即从没有固定形状的射线时代到人类文明的起源时代,在这个过程中,他把宇宙中最微观与最宏观的方面展示出来,也包括它们之间复杂微妙的关系 ...
of the Information Age , 140 Columbus , Christopher , 103 comets , 46 , 143-144 , 147 ; Encke , 149 ; Hale - Bopp , 155 ; long period , 150 ; Wild II , 46 ( also see NEOs ) Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal , 188 Committee on Science and Astronautics , x complexity , 7 , 44-45 , 89-90 computers , 160-161 ...
Shows how Jason's house is a part of the larger components that go together to make up the universe.
A gateway to another world has been invented and Hannah is about to go through, whether she wants to or not thanks to a determined alien male who wants her.