Papers presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Indian Association of Teacher Educators, held at Allahabad during 10-11 February 2006.
Positive and forward-looking, this book offers a robust defence of the present need for high-quality teacher education in challenging times.
This report examines the nature and extent of support for teacher professionalism using the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013, a survey of teachers and principals in 34 countries and economies around the world.
The book is research focused and offers case studies that offer vicarious experiences which resonate with the professional needs and concerns of teacher educators.
This book explores how educators are proactively working to reclaim teacher professionalism by engaging in exemplary practice and promoting quality education for all.
Beyond the Risk Paradigm in Child Protection. London: Palgrave. Peckover, S. & Trotter, T. (2015) Keeping the focus on children: the challenges of safeguarding children affected by domestic abuse. Health and Social Care in the Community ...
This book explores the reflective potentialities offered by analyses of teachers’ professional learning narratives.
Keys to Being a Professional P.91
This book addressed teachers’ necessity to be able to respond to the new needs and demands caused by an ever-evolving educational system, as recognized in the national and international policy and research literature.
Teacher Education for Ethical Professional Practice in the 21st Century is an authoritative reference work for the latest scholarly research on the emerging use of technology in the educational system.
Commenting on the way scientific method has influenced literary criticism, Richard Palmer observes how 'taking an object apart to see how it is made has become the prevailing model of the art of interpretation' (Palmer 1969, p. 6).