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The Islington 'Doing what Counts: Measuring what Matters' Evaluation Report
Child and Family Social Work, 22(2), 741–750. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12290 Wagner, K., Ritt-Olson, A., Chou, C., Pokhrel, P., Duan, ... In S. Miller, M. Hubble, & B. Duncan (Eds.), Handbook of solution-focused brief therapy (pp.
Revised edition of the authors' Family violence, 2014.
Safe Families for Children: Evaluation Report
Evaluation of Signs of Safety in 10 Pilots: Research Report
Concerns about women living and working away from home rarely extended to the many young southern black women who had migrated alone to cities in the Northeast in search of new opportunities and a better life .
Travail par objectifs en service social: la pratique centrée sur la tâche