Johnson, N. L., S. Kotz, and S. Kemp: Univariate Discrete Distributions, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons (1993). ... Johnson, R. A. and G. K. Bhattacharyya: Statistics: Principles and Methods, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons (1996).
There is no concise reporting of results in economics. With this volume, we hope to present a formulary, targeted to the needs of students as weIl as the working economist.
This student solutions manual contains solutions to odd-numbered exercises in the fourth edition of Mathematics for Economics.
Presents mathematical furmulas and theorems common to economics and applied mathematics. It serves as an excellent reference for students and professionals.
The volume is the first grouping of this material for a specifically economist audience. This third edition is extensively revised and contains more than 250 new formulas, as well as new figures.
This volume presents mathematical formulas and theorems common to economics. It includes both formulas like Roy`s identity that are peculiar to economics and formulas like Leibniz's rule that are common...
The five parts of the text cover fundamentals, calculus, linear algebra, optimization, and dynamics. The only prerequisite is high school algebra; the book presents all the mathematics needed for undergraduate economics.
Peter Berck, Knut Sydsaeter. Professor Dr. PETER BERCK Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics University of California, Berkeley 207 Giannini Hall Berkeley, CA 94720, USA Professor KNUTSYDSAETER Department of Economics ...
The third edition has been extensively revised and contains more than 250 new formulas, as well as many new figures. This comprehensive manual will be indispensable to economists at all levels.
Also the 'worked examples' are excellent; they provide examples of the use of mathematics to realistic problems and are easy to follow." —Donal Hurley, formerly of University College Cork "The most comprehensive reader in this topic yet, ...