Selling Strategies for Service Businesses: How to Sell what You Can't See, Taste, Or Touch
Earning What You're Worth?: The Psychology of Sales Call Reluctance
Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton , People Styles at Work ( New York : AMACOM , 1996 ) , p . 10 . 3. David W. Merrill and Roger H. Reid , Personal Styles and Effective Performance ( Radnor , PA : Chilton Book , 1981 ) , p . 1 . 4.
With vulnerability and everyday authenticity, the stories span several industries, and teach and motivate salespeople at any stage of their careers. Who stole that sale? The wise person who followed the advice in this book!
Selling and Building Sales Skills: A Resource Kit
Instructor's Manual, Professional Selling: Text & Cases
Professional Selling
Professional Selling
... 226–227 small businesses , 25 SMART call objective , 185 Smith Kline Beecham , 202 social influences on buying ... 15 optimism , 16 physical and mental preparation , 18-19 time management , 17–18 W - O - R - K , 15-16 suggestion ...