This book is the first attempt to analyse the uslamics in its totality. The quantification technique used here is called Bibliometrics. And the work in hand is also the first attempt to apply the Bibliometric method to the study of islamic literature. It is on this basis that the author hopes his book to be of some significance to those concerned with Area studies, Orientalism, History, culture, comparative Religion and Islam.
A life of the prophet Muhammad by best-selling religious writer Karen Armstrong
Introduction / Morris Rossabi: -- This curricular guide, intended for use by teachers in high schools and of introductory college courses, is one of several Asia Society projects designed to foster the study of Islamic communities in Asia ...
Après l'affaire des caricatures, ce tournant des relations entre islamisme et démocraties occidentales, il faut lancer aujourd'hui un débat autour de ces deux figures : les islamistes et ceux que nous appelons les naïvistes.
Book includes background information, activities, themes and practical extension ideas.
The Study of Islam Within Social Science Curricula in UK Universities: Case Studies
The Study of Islam Within Social Science Curricula in UK Universities: Case Studies
Observer l'Islam: changement religieux au Maroc et en Indonésie
Religiöse Entwicklungen im Islam: beobachtet in Marokko und Indonesien
İki kültürde islam: Fas ve Endonezya'da dini değişim
The Role of Religion in the New Millennium