This studies makes an in-depth analysis of the nature of transformation that came over the decades. It also looks into the prospect of the Commonwealth, and the capitalist reforms going on in different countries.
This volume examines the rise of national movements which challenged, then destroyed, the stability and territorial integrity of the former Soviet state.
The contributors to this volume analyse in detail how the national elites in the independent states conceived their regional policies.
On December 8, 1991, even before the Soviet Union was officially dissolved, the leaders of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine met in the Belovezh Forest outside Minsk to lay the groundwork...
... especially after he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958. Yet in 1962 , a writer named Alexander Solzhenitsyn ( sohl - zheh - NEET - sin ) was allowed to | Soviet science scored a triumph when Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became.
Presenting a broad and timely analysis of the national dimension of politics after perestroika, this book is essential reading for all thsoe seeking to understand the complexities underlying the demise of the Soviet state, as well as the ...
Provides background on eleven countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union and examines the problems they face since declaring independence in 1991.
This book tackles the seminal question related to these broader developments: why did some states choose to align with Russia, despite Moscow's overwhelming power advantage and recurrent neo-imperial ambitions?
This work brings together major accords and protocols that form the institutional framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS); a selection of policy statements by the leaders of CIS countries; a chronological record of ...
Describes how the Commonwealth of Independent States came about after the collapse of the Soviet Union and introduces the geography, people, and culture of the Commonwealth's republics.
United States Policy Toward the Commonwealth of Independent States: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of...