This volume is felicitate Prof. Ravula Soma Reddy, by two of his Ekalavyastudents of Prof. Ravula. Soma Reddy During his career in the Dept. of History,Osmania University, Hyderabad, he has rendered yeomen service both as anacademician, researcher, teacher as well as an administrator. The papers in thisVolume written by distinguished scholars highlight the warmth of affection theyhold towards Prof. Ravula Soma Reddy. A long cherished wish of the Editorswas to present a volume of essays written to felicitate him. The articles 47 innumber are arranged in six sections thematically and chronologically. Section I-Society and Culturecontains 5 papers dealing with medieval and modernperiods. Section II-Religion and Philosophy carries six papers which dealt withvarious facets of religion-Hindu, Buddhist and Christian. Section Ill-Economycontains 11 papers dealing with the nature of economic changes during medievaland modern periods. Section IV-Administration and PolityConsists of 8 papers.They dealt with various aspects of polity and administration during modernperiod-Princely states, freedom struggle, state policy during British period,press and its role in vernacular literature, Ambedkars philosophy etc., SectionV- Archaeology, Art and Architecture contains 10 papers, dealing with themultifaceted aspects of Art, Architecture, Prehistory, Buddhist Art andIconography etc. Section VI-Historiographycontains 5 papers, which dealwith folklore in the local histories of Temples, private ownership of land anddisputes in medieval period, Mughal and Persian documents and their significanceetc in this volume . This Volume will prove indispensable to scholars andstudents of Indian History.,and book will be useful addition to all libraries interestedin the political history, administration, social, economic, anthropological andsociological studies in India and also to a general reader.